24/7 Expert Technical Support
The CFS HelpDesk is the 24×7 technical support, critical to production systems. Our team keeps systems running, keeps operators on the move, and keeps operations running at peak performance.
Providing an immediate response to all customer inquiries or issues is an invaluable resource for keeping production and shipping operations running smoothly at all hours of the day or night. Having remote access to the systems, CFS maintains the highest standards of support.
Additionally, the services provided by our support team include Daily Health Checks on all contracted customer sites – an insurance policy worth its weight in preventing potential downtime. Also, reports on all support tickets in each period are available.
Around-the-Clock Assistance and Operational Solutions
24×7 Technical support experts
System Checks and alerts
System Performance Monitoring
Core Data Collection
Support Reviews and Reports
Support History and Trends
Remote Access – Direct connections to systems
Maximize Return-On-Investment
Contact HelpDesk Support​
For immediate system assistance, call:
336-841-7289 -
After hours Support
336-819-9028 -
CFS customers with a HelpDesk contract take advantage of around-the-clock priority support. However, non-member customers please be aware that you may be charged a per-ticket fee.