Sizing System
The Wolf Sizing Systems are overhead sizing line controls designed for unsurpassed reliability, higher accuracy at higher speeds, and more capacity in birds per hour that any other system available.
Providing single point control over single or multi-line operations, the Wolf ISS and Wolf Solo utilize a Windows-based host PC controller for distributing operational commands to each high-speed line control computer. Each line controller can operate independently of the Host, thus making the system capable of fulfilling all assigned tasks even in the event of PC malfunction.
Missed Bird Manager
Wolf Missed Bird Manager (MBM) is designed to identify and control any products that may have not been sorted as planned. All MBM is logged and presented in report form.
Sizing, Grading, Rate-Limiting
On each sizing line, the Wolf ISS can process 5 quality grade inputs; weight readings can be taken from 4 weight stations; and products can be routed to any of up to 48 destinations.
Control functions in the Wolf are protected by specific and configurable password permissions. These can be configured to apply general permissions to user groups, or to individual users with viewing and editing limitations. All user activity is logged within the system.
Remote Support
Direct system support via WAN or modem is available 24/7 for the Wolf Systems,
Extensive Data
Wolf systems have flock management and data capture, as well as histograms by line & weigh station, drop ,grad, and flock.
Drop Control
The Wolf has built-in web and networking capability, allowing for on-the-fly drop control through the use of PDA's.
10 Line Capacity
At fill 10 line capacity, one Wolf ISS system can weigh and track more than 108,000 birds an hour while accurately distributing this product among 480 drop positions.
Alarm System
Maintenance Personnel can diagnose problems quickly and easily with Wolf's sophisticated alarm system. The alarm system offers immediate benefits by minimizing down-time and facilitation corrective actions.